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Lieve familie en vrienden,

Heel erg bedankt voor jullie lieve berichtjes, kaartjes en zelfs cadeautjes, maar vooral jullie steun en support die wij afgelopen dagen van jullie mochten ontvangen. Morgen is het dan zo ver, om 17.05 vertrekt ons vliegtuig via Londen naar Kaapstad. Maandagochtend om 10 uur zullen wij mogen genieten van dat heerlijke Afrikaanse zonnetje, inmiddels is de temperatuur al aan het oplopen naar zo'n 30 graden, heerlijk! We zullen de eerste drie dagen in Kaapstad blijven om natuurlijk het nieuw jaar te vieren en de tafelberg te beklimmen. Dag 4 reizen we door naar Port Elizabeth waar we de sleutel van ons huisje krijgen. Heel erg spannend!


We houden jullie op de hoogte en hopen jullie op deze manier ook een beetje mee te nemen op reis.

Heel veel liefs
Tim en Tanja


16 Comments to “Bye Bye”

  1. Dave and Gerda Bailey England says:

    Hi Tim en Tanja.
    Hope you’re both keeping well and enjoying SA—and PE. We wish you both well.
    We both enjoyed our stay in SA over a year ago now–we stayed in Cape town ( and had our photo taken ast the same spot at THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE! signpost–did you see the Ostriches on the beach there? GREAT EH?)
    We then drove the garden route for a week then onto PE for a flight to Joburg ( we only stopped in PE to give our hire car back and then wait in the airport for the flight.)–then on to ENTEBENI game reserve in the “Waterburg” —–back to Pretoria to stay with some friends. What a wonderful holiday—and the people are wonderful eh? ( and the food and and the weather and the wildlife and the beer and the flowers -ESPECIALLY the people–etc etc!!).
    We are very ENVIOUS of you—-what a wonderful place to study!!–especially zoology.
    Yes-as soon as we have sold our house-and get some money!– we are getting on the next plane out of London and going to the Cape. ( wonderful memories of spending 2 days in Hermanus “whale watching”—September 06). We will spend another week in Cape Town–then another in Hermanus (walking)–another week along the garden route ( but a bit inland ) then we will most certainly LOVE to come and stay with you for a couple of days( or longer if you can stand us!!) in PE. Then we hope to stay in a game reserve a bit North of PE—-we forget its name–but it is supposed to be very good. We know now that you don’t have to fly North to the waterburg or Kruger park to see the wonderful widlife of SA. There are plenty of parks in the PE region and a bit northwards??? can you recommend one?
    Gerda and I love travelling—-and SA is definately on our list “TO RETURN TO”

    Enough of “us”–how are you two guys getting on? which special areas of study within “Zoology” are you doing? How long are you in PE? Where else are you hoping to travel to in SA.? ( If you ever go up to near “FORT PEARSON”–near the coast in the region of Durban (?)–will you please let me know?–I will like to ask you something to look out for for me.
    I have some Family living in PE ( well they “were” about 50 years ago–they emmigrated there then–they are either “Baileys” or “Beeleys”—I know nothing else about them.
    Anyway-continue to have a wonderful time ( and enjoy the studies too!!!!–and the beer and the people etc etc ).
    With love from two “jealous” relatives

  2. Sem says:

    Eey Tim en Tanja,
    Over om precies te zijn 7 min. gaat jullie vliegtuig de lucht in!! Spannend hoor.
    Een hele fijne jaarwisseling met zen tweetjes.
    En heel veel plezier in het mooie Afrika.
    Liefs kus Sem.

  3. Kimmetje says:

    Heej lieverds,
    Ik mis jullie nu al maar ik wens jullie het allerbeste!!!! Denk aan jullie!!! Veel plezier daar saampies:D
    dikke knuffel

  4. De Slootmannetjes says:

    P.S. alle goeds voor 2008 !!!!



  5. De Slootmannetjes says:

    Nog even en dan vliegen jullie ‘t zonnige Afrika tegemoet
    Wij wensen jullie een hele goede reis, en aankomst in Kaapstad.
    Tim en Tanja, pas op jezelf, en op elkaar.

    Groetjes, Thom, Marjan, Stef en Sherly